
Emotions Wheel

Recognising emotions is a crucial part of our wellbeing and personal growth. Sometimes we can miss what emotions we truly feel or cannot understand them enough in the first place to be able to communicate them to people around us.

The emnotions wheel has been expanded upon and changed over the years. This wheel moves from the more superficial layers of emotions, such as Happy, Sad, Anger and Bad, down the tiers towards more complex words to describe emotions: Inferior, Overwhelmed, Curious, Cheeky, and Indignant.

So, what do we do with the emotion once we understand what it is?

By identifying and labelling our emotions, we can better understand exactly what it is that we feel. We can then backtrack, through reflective questioning, what the situation was that led us to feeling this way. It may also be a flashback, memory, or something someone has said to us.

We have included some reflective questions that help prompt and guide us with the emotions:

  • What am I feeling?
  • What may be making me feel this way?
  • Is there anything I can do with this feeling?

An example would be:

  • What am I feeling?
    • Worthless
  • What may be making me feel this way?
    • My friends have all gone out without me tonight.
  • Is there anything I can do with this feeling?
    • I could feel miserable and hurt, or I could call another friend of mine that does value me. I will do the latter.

(Where you might want to act on that emotion, check out our guide for emotional regulation tips)

It is also worth noting that our wheel does not incorporate all the emotions a human can experience, as we’re very complex, and the emotions cannot easily be labelled. What this tool aims to do, is allow us to start getting to a point where we can harbour an easier understanding of our feelings.

We won

People's Project Awards - we won!


We are delighted to announce, during the first week of June 2023, we won a public vote to secure £68,276 of National Lottery funding as part of this year’s The People’s Projects. The money was awarded after we won the public over with our plans to support adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, sexual violence and rape. Our project, named the SHE-roes Lounge and Peer Group, is a weekly session for survivors to undertake self-development courses, connect with others and take back control of their lives to reach their ambitions and goals.

Our bid was one of five groups in Calendar South ITV region to compete for a share of a life changing £4 million in National Lottery funding. Each of the groups had their projects featured on prime-time TV, giving the public a chance to see their fantastic work and then make the tough choice of where the money should go.

After being chosen by voters from across the region, S.H.E UK will use this new funding to continue their work to bring people together, strengthen their local community and make a difference to people’s lives across Nottinghamshire.

Lisa Lenton, Chief Executive at S.H.E UK said: “We are absolutely thrilled to have taken part in The People’s Projects this year. It has provided us with a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of the work we do, and we can’t thank the public enough for getting behind us and giving us the opportunity to make our community a better place for all. This funding will enable us to offer survivors a long-term service – a place where they will replace anxiety, low self-esteem, and a lack of confidence with positivity and self-belief for the future. The group isn’t traditional group therapy, it’s more dynamic than that – it is a place for survivors to understand the effects of trauma, learn coping strategies, positive mindset, amongst other things, and move forward on their healing journey.”

Thank you to all of you who voted!


Staying safe online

If you are worried about someone tracking what you are doing online, it is important that they don't know you have been seeking support. Deleting your entire browser history may look suspicious; consider deleting only the entries related to seeking support around domestic abuse.

Depending on your browser type and device, there are slightly different ways of deleting entries in your history. If you aren’t sure how to, you can find instructions on the browser’s webpage – but remember to delete this entry in your search history, too.

Deleting your browser history on:

If you're worried about someone being able to access your internet activity, there are some things you can do to help protect yourself.

First, make sure you're using a phone or computer that can't be accessed by the person you are worried about. You could use a friend's phone or computer, or even a work phone.

Second, use the private or ‘incognito’ mode in your browser when searching for information online. This will hide your search history and any websites you visit from other people who have access to your computer.

Finally, sign out of accounts such as Google or Facebook before searching the web or on video sites like YouTube. If someone else has access to these accounts, they may be able to see what you've been looking at!

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